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The difference between Herbal Tea and Infusions

Most people know the difference between black, white and green tea, but do you know the difference between herbal tea and infusions? While many mistakenly assume them to be from the same world and offer the same properties, they both actually have different characteristics. The name is already an indication of their differences. 

‘Infusion,’ or the more common term ‘brew’, is a generic way to describe the process of steeping different ingredients in hot or cold water to diffuse their scents, aromas and flavours. Much like most types of teas, infusions can be made from the leaves, fruits, spices and roots of plants. Unlike tea, infusions are not made using leaves from the Camellia Sinensis, also known as the tea plant and don’t have any tea leaves in them. 

On the other hand, Herbal tea is a type of drink made using the leaves, roots, and/or stems of medicinal plants. The types of plants used to make herbal teas tend to have medicinal properties, such as valerian root, hibiscus and rooibos. And just like infusions, herbal teas or herbal tisanes are not made using leaves from the tea plant. Although the health benefits of true teas have been researched and supported by scientists in the West, herbal teas have been used in traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda, for thousands for years. 

Infusions and herbal teas are both great ways to boost any healthy lifestyle without unnecessary sugar, caffeine or extra additives. Popular herbal teas range from ginger tea, peppermint tea and turmeric tea, which can easily be made using fresh ingredients or dried roots and leaves. Infusions can include a broad range of fruits for different delicious flavour profiles, from red fruits and berries to mangoes and apples. In addition, infusions are usually just as delicious cold as they are hot, making them a healthy substitute for soda and juices. 

When looking for infusions or herbal teas, pay close attention to how the leaves, fruits and spices are grown. Organic infusions and herbal teas offer the most flavour and enhance your wellbeing, so be sure to shop at a quality speciality store like Green Coffee Monaco