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Tips to save cooking gas in the kitchen

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From past several years, you are reading the articles to save fuel or electricity. Today, you will learn how to save the cooking gas in the kitchen. Do you know, if you are having 100% cooking gas in the line, a total of 20-30% gas is a waste? We neither preserve it, nor do we use it for cooking purpose. In this article, you will get to know how to save the cooking gas in the kitchen.

With increasing times, cooking gas is becoming an expensive affair. It is such a necessity that we can’t even ignore. So, if we can’t help it to lower the cooking gas cost but we can save the cooking gas and can use it for more time. Today, I am going to discuss new ways to have the fuel used in the kitchen. Let us know about it.

  • According to research, most of the cooking gas is lost when we turn on the button in prior. Never turn on the stove if you are not ready with the ingredients. Always turn on the gas stove if you have chopped all the ingredients. It clearly means that; never waste the heat in the waiting period.
  • Never make a mistake of using the open utensils for cooking. You must have heard about the pressure cookers. Though, most of the kitchen has the pressure cookers in it but if you don’t have the pressure cooker with you, you can buy the one and start cooking in it. It is because, pressure cookers require less gas as compared to the open utensils.
  • Always try to use lesser water during the cooking process. Most of the people use excessive water and they think that it will evaporate. But, it takes heavy cooking gas to do the evaporation. So, in this way, you can save the cooking gas.
  • Usually, we keep the flame full while cooking and blame cooking gas shop [ ร้านแก๊สหุงต้ม , which are the term in Thai]. But, never make a mistake of doing the same. When the food start boiling, reduces the flame and cook the food at the lower temperature. It will not only save the cooking gas but it will also make the food delicious.