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Why Should We Drink Alcohol?

Some are cautious about drinking alcohol because of how people intoxicated by it behave. The fact is that individuals do not need to consume too much liquor beyond their limit. Moderate consumption is acceptable and, in reality, can be beneficial to drinkers.

Drinking alcoholic beverages also has good benefits if consumed moderately and during legal age. Still cautious? No worries, we are not going to teach you to drink. Instead, we inform you about the ways liquors can benefit the body.

Lower Risk of Getting Cardiovascular Disease

Higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL), otherwise known as good cholesterol, levels can increase protection against heart diseases. Consuming alcohol moderately can help HDL in the body, as Harvard University’s School of Public Health discovered. 

Liquor drinking is also linked to improving insulin sensitivity and preventing blood clotting. These beneficial changes prevent the formation of blood clots in arteries that might cause heart attack and stroke. Although, this observation is only applicable to men and women without a history of cardiovascular diseases. 

People can get the best spirits not only in bars but also in a stillhouse restaurant. In this resto, consumers can drink the liquor of their choice while eating complementing dishes. 

Can Possibly Lengthen Life

The Catholic University of Campobasso reported that drinking occasionally could add few years to our lives. The university reported that four or less alcohol consumption among genders can reduce the risk of death by 18 percent. Dr. Giovanni de Gaetano of the said institution told Reuters that the best time to drink is when eating meals. With this, there are many Apple Valley restaurants that we can visit to eat meals paired with good wine or other alcohol.

Townsend Stillhouse is a California-based distillery and restaurant offering visitors a wide selection of spirits, such as vodka, whiskey, and bourbon. Come and visit us at Apple Valley. Interested? Call us now at (760) 961-8696.